Please wait a few minutes for chess moves to process. Converted games will appear at the top of page when complete…
French chess notation
D=Queen, C=Knight, R=King, F=Bishop, T=Rook, P=pawn éch=check, mat=mate, pr=captures, Roq=Castling, blanc=White, noir=Black
i.e., P-K3 may read: P-3R; K-RP4 may read R-4PR, et cetera
Game conversion was interrupted mid-way. Correct syntax is a requirement to process complete and accurately.
Tutorial On the Chessboard in Descriptive Notation

Troubleshooting Suggestions:
- Confirm that all “ch” are provided behind checked moves.
- Confirm that all moves, e.g.; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ->#<- 7. 8. 9. et cetera are provided or game will process incorrectly.
- Confirm also that moves, e.g.; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ->6<- 7. 8. 9. et cetera are properly dotted.
- Confirm proper syntax.
- Confirm proof-reading over moves 2x and check for any typos!
- Only on rare occasion have moves processed, swapping “a” for “h” in Algebraic, and vis versa. But this problem has been rare. Check final moves, against your choice of game analysis software, to verify the final board and pieces match. Ambiguous moves processed on game analysis software can render alternative moves and an incorrect PGN.
- The longer the game, the longer the time required for processing.